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(cancelled) Student Leadership Conference Feb. 16


Due to several reasons, we had to move the Leadership Conference from Jan. 27  to a new date of February 16th. 

The new forms are pink and have the UPDATED DATE.  The old forms are Green.

This conference is now on a Friday so make an emphasis to the students that this is a privilege and they are responsible for all missed work.  The forms need to be returned to the business office by Feb. 7th with their $10.

Thank you for your support and cooperation.

This is a fabulous opportunity for our young students to grow.

Magiic Invitation PDF Feb 16pdf

There will be a Leadership Conference February 16, 2018 from 9:00 am – 2:00 pm CHS 9 Gym

Cost: $10 – includes t-shirt, snacks and lunch.

This leadership opportunity is open to all students.  It will be a great way for you to meet others, learn about community service projects, and most of all, grow as a young adult through personal reflection. Â